encountering Jesus

Encountering Jesus - Following Jesus

Encountering Jesus - Following Jesus

The Bible uses the name "Christians" only 3 times. But it calls Christians "disciples" (or apprentices) 269 times. What this means is that Christianity is about being an apprentice. Its about following in a way that makes us more like the Lord Jesus. How do we do this? What does following Jesus actually mean? And how can we improve on areas of our spiritual formation that we are struggling in?

Encountering Jesus - Water to Wine

Encountering Jesus - Water to Wine

Do you ever fear running out of ...? Whatever you filled in the blanks we all have some area of resource constraint in our lives. In this encounter a couple ran out of wine which symbolizes life and joy. But Jesus was not only able to stop them from running out of wine, it was all pointing to something much deeper. So, in this message we explore how to not run out with Jesus.

Encountering Jesus - Fight For The Family

Encountering Jesus - Fight For The Family

For many people following Jesus means loosing friends and family. How do you deal with this? While following Jesus always requires giving something up it also entails receiving promises. One of these promises is that anyone who follows Jesus will get a new family. And throughout the Bible there's a link between the nuclear family and the family of God. And this link has four implications that we will explore in this message.